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Market Research

is any set of techniques used to gather information and better understand a company's target market. Businesses use this information to design better products, improve user experience, and craft a marketing message that attracts quality leads and improves conversion rates.

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It’s Easy to Get Started.
Market Research helps on gathering information about your industry and market environment – to understand factors external to your business. customers – to develop a customer profile. competitors – to develop a competitor profile.
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Find the perfect blogs for you
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Why you need to make (most) research faster and easier

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Suppliers can and should write their own research briefs

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What is the difference between Qual and Quant?

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– P.J. O’Rourke quotes
“I like to do my principal research in bars, where people are more likely to tell the truth or, at least, lie less convincingly than they do in briefings and books.”
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– Anonymous
“According to a recent survey, men say that the first thing they notice about a woman is their eyes, and women say the first thing they notice about men it they’re a bunch of liars.”
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– Eric Clark quotes
“Asked about the power of advertising in research surveys, most agree that it works, but not on them.”
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Beautiful Options

Using two different types of research: primary and secondary to gathering two information by
Interviews (telephone or face-to-face)
Surveys (online or mail)
Questionnaires (online or mail)
Focus groups
Visits to competitors' locations

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Qualitative Research

a market research method that focuses on obtaining data through open-ended and conversational communication
One-on-one interview
Focus groups
Ethnographic research
Case study research
Record keeping
Process of observation

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quantitative Research

Quantitative research is used to quantify behaviors, opinions, attitudes, and other variables and make generalizations from a larger Descriptive Research
Correlational Research
Experimental Research
Quasi-experimental Research
Survey Research

With a multinational team rooted in the Middle East region We worked with these great clients
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